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Feb 14, 2021 - 0 Minutes read

Blocked Nose Surgery in Dubai (Septoplasty)

Septoplasty- Surgical Treatment of Blocked Nose

Septoplasty is surgery inside the nose to straighten a deviated septum. The septum, about 7 centimeters long (2.5 to 3 inches) in adults, is made of cartilage and bone. It separates the inside of the nose into two chambers or nostrils.

What is a deviated septum?

A septum deviates if it is crooked or bent instead of straight. A deviated septum can block one or both chambers of the nose and interfere with airflow. A septum can become deviated from an injury, but it can also grow that way naturally.

How to get rid of a Blocked Nose?

Septoplasty is the only way to correct a deviated septum or blocked nose, which can make breathing through the nose difficult and force breathing through the mouth. Mouth breathing can cause dry mouth. Inability to breathe through the nose is even more of a problem at night and can inhibit sleep.

Sometimes Septoplasty is part of other medical procedures, including sinus surgery and the removal of nasal tumors. Also, although Septoplasty itself does not change the nose’s shape, it can be combined with nose-shaping surgery called septorhinoplasty.

Ultimately, it is up to each patient to decide whether to undergo Septoplasty to straighten a deviated septum. The condition will not hurt anyone who can tolerate the symptoms.

Preparing for Blocked Nose Surgery in Dubai

Your doctor may ask you to stop taking certain medications two weeks before the surgery. These medications may include aspirin (Bufferin), ibuprofen (Advil), and other blood thinners. This is done to reduce your risk of excessive bleeding during and after the procedure. Be sure to tell your doctor if you’re allergic to certain medications or if you have a history of bleeding problems. In some cases, people have a Septoplasty under local anesthesia, which numbs the area to prevent pain. However, most people have the surgery under general anesthesia, which means they’re asleep during the procedure.

Don’t eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the procedure if you’re going to be under general anesthesia. This will help prevent you from vomiting and choking if you become nauseated from the anesthesia during surgery.

Bring a family member or friend who can drive you home after the Septoplasty. General anesthesia may make you drowsy after the procedure. You shouldn’t drive until the effects have fully worn off.

Your doctor might take pictures of your nose before the procedure. Comparing photos from before and after the procedure can help you see how your nose has changed.

Septoplasty (Blocked Nose Surgery) Procedure at Bizrahmed, Dubai

Septoplasty in Dubai is highly individualized cosmetic surgery. The surgeon tailors a treatment plan depending on the treatment goals. During the consultation at Bizrahmed, we walk you through the basic steps of the procedure, recovery, risks, results, costs, and many other aspects of the surgery. Also, we will ask you some questions regarding your health status and the medications that you use currently. Be honest with your surgeon in this session because the treatment plan will be designed based on the information you give.

A Septoplasty takes anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes to complete, depending on the complexity of the condition. You’ll be under either local or general anesthesia, depending on what you and your doctor decide is best for you.

In a typical procedure, the surgeon makes an incision on one side of your nose to access the septum. The next lift up the mucous membrane, which is the protective covering of the septum. Then the deviated septum is moved into the right position. Any barriers, such as extra pieces of bone or cartilage, are removed. The last step is the repositioning of the mucous membrane.

You may need stitches to hold the septum and membrane in place. However, packing the nose with cotton is sometimes enough to keep them in position.

Recovering After Blocked Nose Surgery (Septoplasty)

Septoplasty is usually performed as an outpatient procedure unless major complications arise. This means that you’ll be able to go home on the same day as the procedure, once the anesthesia has worn off. Your nose will be swollen, painful, and packed with cotton to control bleeding. The packing can be removed a day or two after surgery. Your doctor will also prescribe pain medication as needed.

Reducing Your Risk of Complications

Your doctor will likely ask you to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and other drugs that thin the blood. This is done to lower the risk of bleeding problems after the procedure.

You should also limit your physical activity for several weeks after surgery to minimize swelling and promote healing. This includes most forms of intense exercise, such as running, lifting weights, and playing contact sports. These activities can increase your blood pressure and lead to heavy bleeding.

Tips for a quicker recovery include:

• elevating your head at night to keep the swelling down

• not blowing your nose for at least three days after surgery

• wearing shirts that button up in the front so you won’t have to pull clothing over your head.

Ideal candidate of Septoplasty in Dubai

You are an ideal candidate for Septoplasty in Dubai if you,

• Have deviated septum which is making it difficult for you to breath

• Are you a non-smoker and physically healthy?

• Do not have any psychological or physical problem

Septoplasty is not usually performed on pregnant and breastfeeding women, because in both these situations, their bodies are not stable enough to support this extremely invasive procedure

Outlook After the Procedure

The wound on your nose will heal fairly quickly, and your breathing is likely to improve shortly after the procedure. However, the overall healing process can be slow. Cartilage and other nasal tissues can take up to a year to fully settle into their new shape.

Most people experience no ongoing symptoms after the surgery. In some cases, however, the cartilage and nasal tissues continue to shift over time and eventually block airflow through the nose again. This means that a second surgery will be needed to reshape the nose and septum further.


Is there surgery to open nasal passages?

Septoplasty corrects a deviated nasal septum or another septal deformity that can obstruct airflow through the nose and cause difficulty breathing. Your nasal septum divides your nasal cavity into left and right sides and ends at your nostrils.

Is Septoplasty a major surgery?

In severe cases, doctors may recommend Septoplasty, a minor surgical procedure to correct the deviated septum. In the surgery, the doctor straightens and pulls the septum back to its original place.

How long does the blocked nose surgery in Dubai take?

The surgery takes approximately two hours or more. General anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or local anesthesia is used. This is an outpatient procedure. Temporary swelling, bruising around the eyes and/or nose, and some bleeding and nasal stuffiness.

When can I go home after the Septoplasty treatment in Dubai?

You can able to go home soon after Septoplasty treatment in Dubai

What restrictions will I have after the surgery? When can I return to my normal activities?

You will have a drip pad under your nose to collect mucus and blood. Change it only when it bleeds through. You may have to do it every hour for 24 hours after surgery. You will probably be able to return to work or school in a few days and to your normal routine in about 3 weeks.

Are there any risks involved in the procedure?

As with any major surgery, Septoplasty carries risks, such as bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to the anesthetic. Other possible risks specific to Septoplasty include Continued symptoms, such as nasal obstruction, Excessive bleeding, etc.

Will my nose look different after the procedure?

If Septoplasty is extended to vary its' dimensions it can grossly contribute to the improvement of the shape of the nose and would truly be called septorhinoplasty

What does a Septoplasty involve?

During a Septoplasty, the surgeon will attempt to straighten bent cartilage and bone in the septum. Firstly, they lift the mucosa lining covering the cartilage and bone. The surgeon then reshapes the cartilage and bone, sometimes removing portions. After that, they will then put the lining back in place.

How much does a nose job cost in Dubai?

Nose job costs in Dubai depending on the location of the health center, surgeon, and patient's needs and desires. Moreover, Bizrahmed offers many financial options, so you must discuss the cost factor with the surgeon during the first consultation with him.

Is nose surgery safe?

Although nose surgery is a very low-risk procedure, people should be aware of the potential complications and approach their doctor with any concerns.

When will I begin to breathe better?

You will be able to breathe much better just after the procedure, but it will get clogged over the next few days due to mucous and blood. During your follow-up visit, your nose will be cleaned out, and you should be able to breathe much better afterward.